
中文 (中國) English

Provisions on the administration of the list of key pollutant discharge units

Release time: 2018年1月18日

Provisions on the administration of the list of key pollutant discharge units
Chapter I General
Article 1 in order to strengthen the supervision and administration of environmental protection of key pollutant discharge units, in accordance with the environmental protection law of the people's Republic of China, the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention and control of air pollution, the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention and control of water pollution, the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste, the action plan for the prevention and control of soil pollution and the measures for the disclosure of environmental information of enterprises and institutions And other laws and regulations.
Article 2 the list of key pollutant discharge units shall be subject to classified management. According to the polluted environmental elements, it is divided into five categories: the list of key pollutant discharge units of water environment, the list of key pollutant discharge units of atmospheric environment, the list of key supervision units of soil environmental pollution, the list of key pollutant discharge units of acoustic environment, and the list of other key pollutant discharge units. The same enterprise and business unit can belong to different categories of key pollutant discharge units at the same time due to different types of pollutant discharge. Enterprises and institutions included in the list of key pollutant discharge units shall clarify their categories and main pollutant indicators.
Article 3 the competent environmental protection departments of the local people's governments at the municipal level divided into districts shall, in accordance with the environmental carrying capacity of their respective administrative regions, the requirements for the improvement of environmental quality and the screening conditions set out in these Provisions, screen enterprises and institutions with large pollutant emissions, toxic and harmful pollutants and other major environmental risks in consultation with relevant departments every year, Determine the list of key pollutant discharge units in the administrative region for the next year. The competent department of environmental protection of the local people's government at the provincial level shall be responsible for uniformly summarizing the list of key pollutant discharge units in its administrative region.
The competent environmental protection department of the local people's Government shall, in accordance with the provisions of the measures for the disclosure of environmental information of enterprises and institutions, publish the list of key pollutant discharge units in its administrative region on time.
Article 4 the Ministry of environmental protection shall be responsible for the establishment and operation of the national directory information management system of key pollutant discharge units, and the competent environmental protection departments of the local people's governments at or above the municipal level divided into districts shall be responsible for the maintenance and management of the directory information of key pollutant discharge units in their respective administrative regions. The list information of key units includes the name of enterprises and institutions, unified social credit code, pollutant discharge license code, administrative region, longitude and latitude, list category, main pollutant indicators and other basic information. Information changes such as directory update, unit name and address change shall be reflected in the information database in time. Pollutant discharge units that are permanently shut down or shut down will no longer be included in the list of key pollutant discharge units.
Chapter II Screening conditions
Article 5 enterprises and institutions that meet one of the following conditions shall be included in the list of key pollutant discharge units of water environment.
(1) The annual discharge of one or more main pollutants of wastewater is greater than the screening discharge limit set by the municipal environmental protection department divided into districts.
The main pollutant indexes of wastewater refer to chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead and other heavy metals. The screening emission limit shall be determined according to the environmental quality status, and the proportion of the total discharge shall not be less than 65% of the total industrial discharge in the administrative region.
(2) All large and medium-sized enterprises with actual sewage discharge and belonging to the key supervision industry of wastewater pollution.
Key regulated industries of wastewater pollution include: pulp and paper making, coking, nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing, phosphate fertilizer manufacturing, non-ferrous metal smelting, petrochemical industry, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing, textile printing and dyeing with bleaching, dyeing, printing, washing, finishing and other processes, agricultural and sideline food processing, API manufacturing, leather tanning processing, fur tanning processing, wool (cashmere) Processing, pesticide, electroplating, phosphate mining and beneficiation, nonferrous metal mining and beneficiation, dairy products manufacturing, condiment and fermentation products manufacturing, wine and beverage manufacturing, automobile manufacturing with surface coating process, semiconductor liquid crystal panel manufacturing with surface coating process, etc.
All localities can increase key regulatory industries related to wastewater pollution according to local actual conditions.
(3) Units that produce waste water pollutants that have issued pollutant discharge licenses under the key management of pollutant discharge licenses.
(4) Large scale livestock and poultry farms and breeding communities with sewage discharge outlets.
(5) All scale industrial wastewater centralized treatment plants, daily treatment 10 10000 tons and above or receive industrial wastewater for daily treatment 2 Urban domestic sewage treatment plants with more than 10000 tons. All localities can reduce the scale limit of urban centralized sewage treatment facilities according to the local actual situation.
(6) Enterprises that produce soluble highly toxic waste residues containing mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide, yellow phosphorus, etc.
(7) Enterprises and institutions that undertake the task of pollution control in the letter of responsibility for water pollution prevention and control objectives of local people's governments at or above the level of cities divided into districts.
(8) Enterprises and institutions that have a major or more sudden water environment pollution event within three years or have a significant social impact due to water environment pollution.
(9) Enterprises that exceed the water pollutant discharge standards and the total emission control indicators of key water pollutants within three years and are given a "yellow card" warning by the competent environmental protection department, as well as enterprises that still fail to meet the requirements after remediation and are seriously punished by the competent environmental protection department.
Article 6 enterprises and institutions that meet one of the following conditions shall be included in the list of key pollutant discharge units of the atmospheric environment.
(1) The annual emission of one or more main pollutants of waste gas is greater than the screening emission limit set by the competent environmental protection department at the municipal level divided into districts.
The main pollutants of waste gas refer to sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke dust and volatile organic compounds. The screening emission limit shall be determined according to the environmental quality status, and the proportion of the total discharge shall not be less than 65% of the total industrial discharge in the administrative region.
(2) All large and medium-sized enterprises with actual sewage discharge and belonging to the key regulatory industry of waste gas pollution.
Key regulatory industries of waste gas pollution include: thermal power generation, thermal production and cogeneration, cement manufacturing industry with cement clinker production, iron and steel smelting industry with sintering, pelletizing and ironmaking processes, non-ferrous metal smelting, petroleum refining and processing, coking, ceramics, flat glass manufacturing, industry, pharmacy, coal chemical industry, surface coating, packaging and printing, etc.
All localities can increase key regulatory industries related to waste gas pollution according to local actual conditions.
(3) Units that have issued pollutant discharge licenses that discharge waste gas pollutants under the key management of pollutant discharge licenses.
(4) Enterprises and institutions that discharge toxic and harmful air pollutants (see the list of toxic and harmful air pollutants issued by the Ministry of environmental protection for details); The operation unit of solid waste centralized incineration facilities.
(5) Enterprises and institutions that undertake the task of pollution control in the letter of responsibility for the objectives of air pollution prevention and control of the local people's governments at or above the level of cities divided into districts.
(6) Environmental protection warning enterprises, enterprises with poor environmental protection, enterprises and institutions that have major or more sudden atmospheric environmental pollution events within three years, or have caused significant social impact due to atmospheric environmental pollution problems, or have been notified and handled by competent environmental protection departments at all levels, and have not completed rectification.
Article 7 enterprises and institutions that meet one of the following conditions shall be included in the list of key supervision and control units of soil environmental pollution.
(1) All large and medium-sized enterprises with actual sewage discharge and belonging to the key supervision industry of soil pollution.
Key regulated industries of soil pollution include non-ferrous metal mining and beneficiation, non-ferrous metal smelting, oil mining, petroleum processing, chemical industry, coking, electroplating, tanning, etc.
All localities can increase relevant key supervision industries of soil pollution according to the local actual situation.
(2) Annual production of hazardous waste 100 Enterprises and institutions of more than tons.
(3) An enterprise or institution that holds a hazardous waste business license and is engaged in the storage, disposal and utilization of hazardous waste.
(4) Enterprises and institutions that operate and maintain domestic waste landfills or incineration plants, including closed landfills.
(5) Enterprises and institutions that have major or more sudden environmental pollution events of solid waste, hazardous waste and groundwater within three years, or have a significant social impact due to soil environmental pollution.
Article 8 enterprises and institutions that meet one of the following conditions shall be included in the list of key pollutant discharge units of acoustic environment.
(1) Industrial enterprises with excessive noise emission in areas where noise sensitive buildings are concentrated.
(2) Enterprises and institutions listed for supervision due to noise pollution.
Article 9 enterprises and institutions that meet one of the following conditions shall be included in the list of other key pollutant discharge units.
(1) Enterprises and institutions that have the functions of test, analysis and detection, such as chemical, pharmaceutical and biological key laboratories at or above the provincial level, hospitals at or above the secondary level and other pollutant discharge behaviors that have aroused widespread concern in the society or may have a great impact on environmentally sensitive areas.
(2) Enterprises and institutions that cause significant social impact due to other environmental pollution problems, or are classified as large or above environmental risk level through environmental emergency risk assessment.
(3) Other circumstances that need to be included.
Chapter III supplementary articles
Article 10 the Ministry of environmental protection shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions.
Article 11 These Provisions shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.